Does Anyone Believe

I just wonder if I am just wasting time? This is my first question? Does anyone know about the glaciers?

Does anyone watch the weather? What about all the tragedy in Tennessee?

Tornadoes destroying whole towns! The people were taught to dig holes for coal to heat their homes. The people were taught to dig more wholes to get oil for their cars. Life and our families make us do it . Hunger!

Did anyone say one day those will become sink holes! What’s that? That is where your homes and town will go! When the ground erodes and washes it all away. What?

We are all hungry! But we all should give some thought to the consequences of our actions!

There is not enough room for everyone in space. We do not have the knowledge to build propulsion that powerful. Fuel is limited! Oxygen!

We were given everything we needed to survive here. But we did not follow the rules given by the creator.